Flowers of the Future

Wouldn't it be nice...

At Benary, we feel privileged to be part of creating the future of flowers. We are engaging every day in hot trends and new technologies.

Every adventure starts with a dream. So here are a few concepts that we have dreamed up. Our flowers of the future. And just in case you're wondering: No, you cannot order these products... not yet. But we are working hard, so that one day, you will...

Keep dreaming, keep aspiring!

Singapur bei Nacht

This is "Sparky", the perfect landscaping flower for the modern city. "Sparky" was developed with the city of Singapore and is practically indestructible. It can cope with full sun and full shade, can take high humidity as well as weeks of extreme drought.
But what makes "Sparky" really exciting are two unique features:


1. "Sparky" flowers will glow in the dark!Sparkys Blüten leuchten im Dunkeln

By implementing a naturally fluorescent pigment into the flower pedals, "Sparky" will absorb sunlight throughout the day and return it at night time in a warm and bright glow. As a result, cities that plant "Sparky" along their streets, will no longer need electric street lighting.


2. "Sparky" is the ultimate air purifier.

Every day each plant absorbs around 150 kg of CO2 and converts it into over 100 kg of Oxygen. This is ten times more effective than any tree in the tropical rain forest, providing our crowded cities with a fresh ocean-like breeze.


Kreieren Sie Ihren persönlichen "Buddy"!

"Buddy" ist Ihre personalisierte Blume und ausschliesslich für Sie gezüchtet. Zusammengestellt im Online Blumen-Konfigurator "www.Buddy.plant" können Sie aus einer Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten wählen:

  • 25 verschiedene Farben innerhalb des gesamten FarbspektrumsBuddy, Ihre personalisierte Pflanze
  • inklusive einer zusätzlichen zweifarbigen Option
  • 3 Blütengrößen: Mini, Maxi, Riesig
  • 5 verschiedene Blattfarben
  • 4 verschiedene Wuchsarten: aufrecht groß, aufrecht klein, breitwüchsig und hängend
  • 8 unterschiedliche Duftvarianten: von frisch zitronig bis hin zu betörendem Lavendelduft
  • Zusätzlich können Sie attraktive Zusatz-Eigenschaften wählen:
    Von Insekten fressenden Blüten (herrlich Mückenfreie Sommernächte!) bis hin zu THC angereicherten Blättern (für eine kleine Wochenend-Dosis "dope").

Kreieren Sie mit "Buddy" Ihre ganz persönliche Pflanze. Der Versand ist ebenso einfach wie die Bestellung. Schon einen Tag nach der Bestellung erhalten Sie eine 5x5 cm Box, die Ihre "Buddy" Babypflanze beinhaltet. Einfach auspacken und in nur 24 Stunden wächst Ihr "Buddy" zu einer herrlichen Pflanze heran.

"Buddy", eine Pflanze wie ein echter Freund.

"MacGyver" bietet eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten

"MacGyver" is a crossing between 13 different species and is the Swiss Army Knife amongst the bedding plants: Nothing of this plant is without a benefit.

  1. The pollen of the plant is addictive to hummingbirds and butterflies, making "MacGyver" a perfect pollinator magnet.
  2. The flowers react to the atmosphere pressure. If the pressure goes up, they will turn red, if it goes down, they will turn yellow. Thus, telling you what tomorrow’s weather is going to be like.
  3. The leaves have been bred to be sensitive to stress hormones. Touch them and the plant will let you know by its leaf color, if "MacGyver", die ultimative Pflanzeyou need a relaxing massage (bright green) or a kicking coffee (black). Pick the flowers and "MacGyver" will release its stevia heritage: A sweetener 100 times sweeter than conventional sugar.
  4. The tomato shaped fruits can be modulated in taste: Give some sugar in its water and it will taste sweet as a melon. Give some salt in it, and it will taste like spicy pepper. And more: Choose from more than 25 different additives for your watering water, flavoring "MacGyver’s" fruits from smokey barbeque to super sour.
  5. The roots of the plant produce low voltage electric energy. Through a plug in the pot you can charge your smart phone and other home devices.
  6. Towards the end of the life cycle, the roots of "MacGyver" will form into tubers of starch that are just as versatile as a potato.

But what makes "MacGyver" really unique, is that the plant will talk to you. By releasing specific substances into the substrate, which your watering sensor will read and transmit to your smart phone, the plant will tell you exactly what it needs: more water, more light, more food.

Firmengebäude Benary in Erfurt, 1843 gegründet

... Benary was founded in 1843 and is family-owned business in its 6th generation?

... the name "Benary" stems from Hebrew and means "Son of the Lion"?

Benarys semperflorens Begonie Primadonna®

... in 1909 Benary introduced the fibrous begonia Primadonna®, the world's first commercial F1 hybrid ornamental begonia?

... the Titanic had Benary seed on board when it sank 1912?

… Benary was a founding firm of Fleuroselect in 1970?

... founded in Erfurt, Benary made significant contributions to Erfurt's international reputation as the "City of Flowers"?

Saatgutbestellung von Gregor Mendel bei Benary

... Gregor Mendel was a famous Benary customer? He conducted his pioneering experiments with seeds from Benary.

... in 1927 Benary introduced the first F1 vegetable, a tomato named "Heterosis"?

... Benary sells over 10 billion flower seeds each year? This is in theory more than one flower for every person on earth.

Benary ist GlobalG.A.P. zertifiziert

... Benary has been certified GlobalG.A.P. at all locations since 2017?

... the Horticultural School in Erfurt is named after the founder of our company: "Ernst Benary School"?

Zar Nikolai der Zweite

... the Russian emperor was a frequent customer of Benary?

... Benary was disowned by the socialist government after World War II and rebuilt the company in 1946 in Hann. Münden?

BIG Begonien vor dem deutschen Bundestag in Berlin

... Benary's BIG® Begonias are beautifying the spaces in front of the White House, the Kremlin, the Eiffel Tower, the Vatican, the Sydney Opera House, Tiananmen Square and the Deutsche Reichstag at the same time?

Album Benary, der erste Blumensamenkatalog

... Benary's first catalog was published in 1845 and issued in German, English and Russian?

... Benary exported more than 50% of its seeds before World War I and today exports more than 90% of its seeds to over 120 countries worldwide?

Begonien Rohsaat von Benary

... Begonia raw seed – with over 100.000 seeds per gram –  is the most valuable material on earth?
In comparison: Caviar: 12 $/g | Gold: 45 $/g | Plutonium: 3,300 $/g | Begonia raw seed: 8,000 $/g