
© 2003 - 2024 Ernst Benary Samenzucht GmbH

Ernst Benary Samenzucht GmbH
Friedrich-Benary-Weg 1
34346 Hann. Münden

Fax: +49 (0) 5541 700 9 20
Phone: +49 (0) 5541 700 9 0

Authorized Chief Executive Officer: Dr. Matthias Redlefsen

Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board: Klaudia Benary-Redlefsen

Registration Court: Amtsgericht Göttingen
Register number: B 112002
VAT Registration Number pursuant to section 27 a of the German VAT Act:
DE 115302492

Responsible for the contents of this site pursuant to section 55 (2) of the RStV: 
Thomas Bousart (address see above)

Disclaimer of liability: Although Benary checks the contents of linked sites thoroughly, the linked sites are not under the control of Benary and Benary is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. The sole responsibility for the contents of the linked sites lies with the operators of the respective sites.

    All information is based on our own trials and would therefore be as guideline only. Detailed cultivation aspects vary depending on climate, location, time of year and environmental conditions. Benary expressly disclaims any responsibility for the content of such data/information and makes no representation or warranty for the cultivation of any products listed. It is recommended that growers conduct a trial of products under their own conditions.