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Benary's Spring Pansy Trials in Week 7: Feb 15 -19, 2021

Benary welcomes their customers and growers to their Spring Pansy Trials  2021 in Venhuizen, Netherlands

Viola wittrockiana Inspire® Plus Orange
Viola wittrockiana Inspire® Plus Orange

For this year's Pansy Trials Benary has opted for a hybrid version: Growers and customers are cordially invited to visit  either in-person - pandemic measures as per Mid February permitting - or take part in their Area Sales Manager's virtual tour through the greenhouse.

Visitors will get a detailed tour on what’s new and outstanding about Benary's Pansies, Violas and newly introduced biennials such as Myosotis, Bellis and Gaultheria.

Benary's experts are featuring an extensive technical presentation which allows to see their breeding in comparison to the most acknowledged competitive market leading varieties.

Visitors are asked to register their visit with their personal Benary Area Sales Manager latest until week 6.

Benary Pansy and Viola Seeds are "BeGreen" treated:
BeGreen means chemical and micro-plastics free. For healthier plants. For happier customers. For a sustainable environment.


Benary Netherlands BV
Koggeweg 11a
1606 ML Venhuizen, NL