Kyle Carboni joins the Sales team at Benary USA
It is our pleasure to welcome Kyle as our newest Area Sales Manager to the western US region.

New Area Sales Manager for Benary’s western region
It is with great pleasure to announce that we have hired a new Area Sales Manager for Benary’s western region, Kyle Carboni. Previously, Kyle worked as a Sales Representative for McHutchison Horticultural Distributors, brokering young plants and propagation materials in California. Kyle holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Texas at Arlington and lives in the central coast of California.
Kyle will be an exceptional asset with his technical expertise
Kyle will be an exceptional asset to the western region, with his technical expertisBefore his role selling for McHutchison, Kyle worked as the Production Manager for a wholesale nursery outside of Dallas, Green Lake Nursery. Kyle will be an exceptional asset to the western region, with his technical expertise in the cultivation of annuals and perennials.
Kyle is excited to get started meeting his new customers, helping them grow and utilize all the best genetics Benary has to offer. Please contact Kyle directly via email, kcarboni@benary.com, or via phone or text at (682) 248-7266.