New Varieties at Flower Trials® 2018
As you stroll along Benary’s “New Variety Alley” you can explore 5 new series, new color additions and product relaunches which are available to the market again since April 2018.

Platycodon grandiflorus F1 Pop Star™ – Benary’s new Pop Star™ from seed
The new Platycodon series Pop Star™ from Benary is available in three clear colors: Blue, Pink and White.
Pop Star™ is the best branching Platycodon on the market and performs a most uniform plant habit. It is fast and easy to grow. Its narrow flowering window supports easy sale in a very short time. Pop Star™ loves sunny to half shady places and is flowering from June to August. As a winter-hardy perennial in most regions Pop Star looks great in natural gardens as well as in a modern garden setting. Pop Star™ can also be used as an indoor plant.
Helianthus annuus F1 Bert® -Let the sunshine in!
Let the sunshine in! – This is the perfect motto for this new pot sunflower Bert®. As the symbol of the summer par excellence its bright yellow flowers with chocolate centre on top of lush green foliage are blossoming from July to October or even longer – depending on the region.
Bert® – that makes a perfect gift plant for any occasion. LVA Heidelberg rated this large flowered pollen-free F1 hybrid as one of the best varieties. Above all its compact plant habit makes it favorably for shipping. Bert® delivers high reliably germination rates in proven Benary quality.
Petunia x hybrida grandiflora F1 SUCCESS!® HD and F1 SUCCESS!® 360°
Benary is placing two new grandiflora series under the SUCCESS!® umbrella brand in the Petunia market this season.
SUCCESS!® HD – HD stands for “high density” – is the first genetically compact series with large flowers. 7 blazing colours are debuting this season, even more to come in future seasons.
Outstanding SUCCESS!® HD Rose Star with a one-of-a-kind star pattern is a Fleuroselect Gold Medal Winner 2019. SUCCESS!® HD creates a magnificent look in packs, pots and hanging baskets.
And the SUCCESS!® Story goes on. SUCCESS!® 360° is a new vigorous grandiflora series that shows an outstanding appearance all around: 360°. Growers have the choice of 13 bold colors. SUCCESS!® 360° is a versatile grandiflora with a very uniform plant habit. As well as the established trailing Petunia SUCCESS!® TR those two new petunia series are also milestones in earliness and uniformity.
Tagetes patula Super Hero™ Spry wins AAS award
Benary introduces a brand new French marigold series with 8 colors. Super Hero™ is the successor of the current Hero series. Super Hero™ is bred to have a compact plant habit and finishing about one week earlier than comparable varieties. All colors show a very good and stable flower pattern.
AAS winner Super Hero™ Spry boasts intense red flowers with a deep yellow centre. These stunning blooms make any garden fit for a Super Hero™!