Pansy Trials 2024
Pansy Trials 2024 –
Make sure to mark your calendars for Benary during week 41!
From October 7th to 11th, 2024, this year's Benary Fall Pansy Trials will be held at Kwekerij Aarninkhof BV – Stroothuizerweg 27 – 7591 NB Denekamp, NL. Denekamp is located close to the German border, 30 minutes northeast of Enschede. Come to see the outstanding performance of Benary's Pansies and Violas.
For a visit, please register your visit with your personal Benary Area Sales Manager.
Join us as we present our latest breeding advancements, showcasing products designed to meet the evolving needs of the market. Alongside showcasing novelty highlights and top-selling items, we'll also feature carefully chosen proven series, presented side by side with competitive varieties.

Cats® Plus is a viola with a unique flower pattern that resembles a cat's whiskers. It can be cultivated excellently with Benary's proven viola series Inspire® Plus, as its earliness and flowering window are identical. In addition to the five Cats® Plus colors – Blue & Yellow, Marina, Purple & White, White and Yellow – a mix is now available as well.
Three new colors join the Viola cornuta Admire® series: Apricot Purple Wing, Limoncello Purple Wing and Purple. They fill the pot quickly, have short stems and are extremely flowery. The Admire® series offers a great selection of 27 colors and 6 mixes.
Benary Pansy and Viola Seeds are BeGreen treated: BeGreen means coatings free of chemicals and micro-plastics – for healthier plants, happier customers and a more sustainable environment.
High resolution pictures of the above highlights can be downloaded with this link: https://we.tl/t-CfZcOuVfEb