                        Amarillo Gold

                        Amarillo Gold
Rudbeckia hirta

Amarillo Gold

Item no.: RH0501P

Symbol of the Summer

  • FleuroSelect Gold Medal and AAS award winner
  • Perfect for pot and bedding plant production
  • Huge, bright flowers on short stems
  • Also very well suited for summer bouquets
  • Compact sister of Prairie Sun


Technical Guide: Click here

All information in our technical guide is based on our own trials and would therefore be as guideline only. Detailed cultivation aspects vary depending on climate, location, time of year and environmental conditions. Benary expressly disclaims any responsibility for the content of such data/information and makes no representation or warranty for the cultivation of any products listed. It is recommended that growers conduct a trial of products under their own conditions.

  • BeGreen
Crop Time
Spring: 13 - 15 weeks , Summer: 12 - 14 weeks
Height ∅
13 ″ / 33 cm
Flower Size ∅
6 ″ / 16 cm
Seed Form
BeGreen Pelleting
Best Uses
Bedding, Pot Plant

Culture guide


Plants for border, pot and container plants, cut flower production

Sow time

November for flowering in pots from April onwards; April for flowering in pots from June onwards.

Sowing method

2-3 seeds per plug, can be sown directly into final pot. No cover is necessary however a light covering of vermiculite will aid in maintaining proper moisture and humidity levels during germination.


8-14 days at 68-72 °F (20-22 °C). Humidity should be between 95-100 % until day 11; then reduce to 40-60 %.

Growing on

Obligate long day plant; a day length > 13 hrs., with 6-8 true leaves will result in flower initiation. Short days (< 13,5 hours) can be used for bulking Rudbeckia vegetatively and keeping the finishing height of the plants shorter. Transplant plugs into 4.5" (11 cm) or larger pots.


Use a well-drained, growing substrate with 20-30 % clay, 1-1,5 kg/m³ complete balanced fertilizer, 0-2 kg/m³ slow release fertilizer (3-6 months), iron-chelate, micronutrients, pH: 5.8-6.2. Field: loamy sandy to sandy humus soils with good drainage and good nutrition levels. Standard fertilization: 80-100 g/m² of a slow release fertilizer.


Grow at 18-20 °C. The plants need warm temperatures for the growth. Temperatures of 16 °C increase the cultivation time by 3 weeks. Temperatures below 16 °C can be a cause for red colouring of leaves. R. hirta does not tolerate frost.


Moderate fertilization levels are required. Fertilize the crop weekly with 100-150 ppm nitrogen (at 0 kg/m³ slow release fertilizer in substrate), using a potassium balanced fertilizer (N: K₂O-ratio: 1:1,5). Avoid high ammonium and high nitrogen levels. Prevent magnesium deficiency by applying magnesium sulphate (0,05 %) 1-2 times and in case of iron deficiency (above pH 6.0) apply iron-chelate for 1-2 times. Field: Take care of possible iron deficiency and apply iron-chelate for 1-2 times. N min soil value: approximately 130 g N/m².

Stage I Starts with the radicle breaking through the testa. The roots are touching the medium. Ends with fully developed cotyledons.
Stage II Starts from fully developed cotyledons. Ends with the fully developed true leaf or true leaf pair.
Stage III Starts from the fully developed true leaf or true leaf pair and ends with 80% of the young plants being marketable.
Stage IV All young plants are ready for sale and in the process of being hardened off. This stage lasts about 7 days.

The cultural recommendations are based on results from trials conducted under Central European conditions. Different conditions in other parts of the world may lead to deviations in results achieved.

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